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Hidekuni Takao

Hidekuni Takao

Full Professor & Director, Kagawa University, JAPAN


Prof. Hidekuni Takao, received his BS in 1993, MS in 1995 and Ph.D. degree in 1998 all from Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan. After he worked as a research fellow (PD) with JSPS, Japan in 1998, he joined faculty of Toyohashi University of Technology in 1999 as assistant professor, and was promoted to associate professor in 2005. He moved to Kagawa University, Japan in 2009, where he has served as a full professor since 2014. He is also holding the position of  director of Nano-Micro Structure Device Integrated Research Center in the same University. His research interests are high performance silicon MEMS sensors and systems and their applications to fine tactile sensing technology. Since 2015, he has been the representative of JST-CREST project on “nano-tactile sensing”. He acted as a technical committee member of IEEE MEMS 2012 Paris, 2013 Taipei, 2017 Las Vegass, and 2018 Belfast.


Abstract : Reproducing our Fingertip Sensation by Super High Resolution Tactile Sensing