M V Sangaranarayanan
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Title: An overview of conducting polymers based biosensors
Biography: M V Sangaranarayanan
In view of their facile automation, wide linear range and low limits of detection, conducting polymers have been extensively employed as biosensors. Furthermore, electrochemical synthesis of conducting polymers can be carried out effortlessly on various electrodes leading to the robust adherence of the polymer films. Among various sensing applications of conducting polymers, enzymatic and non-enzymatic sensing of glucose, urea, dopamine etc. deserves their biological importance. Conducting polymers extensively investigated in this context encompass polyaniline and polypyrrole. The enzymatic sensing of glucose using polyaniline nanofibers has been demonstrated using cyclic voltammetric, amperometric and impedimetric analysis with impressive detection limits and calibration range. The potentiodynamic polymerization of pyrrole on Pt is shown to yield non-enzymatic sensors of urea with satisfactory linear range of calibration. The electrochemical sensing of other compounds such as levothyroxine, dopamine etc. will be highlighted.