Jonghwa Kim
Associate Professor
Cheju Halla University
onghwa Kim received the BS and MS degree in electronic engineering from the Gachon University, Korea, in 1992 and 1994, respectively, the PhD degree in communication engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, 2003, and the Habilitation Dr. degree (venia legendi) in computer science from the University of Augsburg, Germany, in 2010, where he worked as professor of applied computer science until 2016. He is a full professor with the Department of Information and Communication Technology, Cheju Halla University, Korea. In 2016-2018, he was a professor of computer software with the University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea. His current research interests include affective artificial intelligence, pain and emotion recognition, and the deep learning for cognitive systems. He has served in a number of program committees of Affective Computing conferences and in editorial boards of related journals. He was involved as leader of emotion research teams in various European IST projects such as HUMAINE, CALLAS, CEEDS, and METABO
Research Interest
Information and Communication Technology