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Pouya Rezai

Pouya Rezai

York University, Canada


Pouya Rezai is an emerging researcher in the areas of microfluidic and biosensors. He is the Graduate Program Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at York University. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Bio-Microfluidics) from McMaster University in Canada. He was an NSERC Visiting Fellow at Public Health Agency of Canada before joining York University in July 2013. He has published over 40 scholarly articles in the format of journal papers, peer-reviewed conference papers, book chapters and patents. His research interests are Microfabrication, Microfluidics, Lab-on-Chips and Bio-Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems for biology, medicine and environmental science applications.


Abstract : Integrated hybrid biosensors for automated manipulation and drug screening of whole biological organisms of human diseases