Nanotechnology in Biosensors
Nanotechnology is pretending an increasingly important role in the expansion of biosensors. Biosensors frequently comprise a biological recognition molecule immobilized onto the surface of a signal transducer to give a solid state analytical device. The use of nanomaterial’s has acknowledged the establishment of many new signal transduction technologies in biosensors through nanotechnology. Nanolithography is the branch of nanotechnology afflicted with the study and application of the nanofabrication of nanometer-scale structures, meaning Nano patterning with at least one lateral dimension between the size of an individual atom and generally 100 nm. Nanosensors are chemical or mechanical sensors that can be used to detect the presence of chemical species and nanoparticles, or monitor physical parameters such as temperature, on the Nano scale. Nano photonics is the new emerging paradigm where light interacts with Nano-scaled structures and brings forth the mysterious world to research.
- Nanobiosensors, nanomaterials & nanoanalytical systems
- Nanolithography
- Nanobioelectronics
- Nanopolymers
- Novel approaches of nanoparticles in sensing
- Nano materials and Nano analytical systems
- Nanophotonics/THz sensing
- Nanorobotics
- Nano bio computing
- Nanotheranostics
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- Biochips & Nucleic Acid Sensors
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- Bioinstrumentation & Equipments
- Biosensing Technologies
- Biosensor Applications
- Biosensors
- Biosensors & Global Market
- Biosensors for Imaging
- Environmental Biosensors
- Enzyme-based biosensors
- Nanotechnology in Biosensors
- Photonic Sensor Technologies
- Transducers in Biosensors
- Types of Biosensors