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Chirasree Roy Chaudhuri

Chirasree Roy Chaudhuri

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), India


Chirasree Roy Chaudhuri has completed her PhD in 2007 at Jadavpur University, India and is presently an Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics and Telecomm Engineering, IIEST Shibpur, India. Her fields of research interest are “Development of selective electrical biosensors, understanding the physical mechanisms for sub-femtomolar detection and measurement of biophysical properties of cells through distributed models”. She has received Young Scientist Award from National Academy of Science, India and Women Excellence Award from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and has published around 60 papers in peer reviewed journals and proceedings.


Abstract : Closed solid state nanopore array - A unique device for ultrasensitive label free impedance biosensors